Posts Tagged ‘Inequality’


Photo Credit: Drudge Report

It may seem our economy is getting better, but its really not. Sure, the numbers look good and we hit “all -time” highs in the stock market. But there are statistics that will prove otherwise, 146 million Americans are now poor or low income. America once had the biggest and most productive middle class in world history. What happened?

Lets start off with the children; 20% of children in America are living in poverty. Here is the shocker, 57% of all children are living in homes that are considered poor or low income. In Detroit, nearly 60% of all children are living in poverty, and 29.2% of children from African-American households are dealing with food insecurities. The number of children living on $2.00 a day is an alarming 2.8 million. The amount of homeless children in public schools are just over a million. How can we expect a future for our kids if they can never escape poverty?

The rest of America is hurting as well with 1 out of 6 people living in poverty, those are rates we haven’t seen since the 60’s. About 40% of unemployed Americans have now been so for at least half a year. Nearly 1 in 4 workers makes $10 or less an hour, which also means they take home less pay than the poverty level as well. An alarming explosion in food stamps have also occurred since 2009, 47.9 million Americans are now enrolled.

One thing is for certain, if our country continues on this decline, that thing we call the “American Dream” will be exactly that! Just a dream. The destruction of our economy began in 1913 when the Federal Reserve Act took place. Since then our dollar has been devalued by the Fed. Reserve’s reckless money printing. It also plans to devalue it another 33% according to recent sources. According to framers of the constitution, there cannot be a centralized private bank running our monetary system, with taxes serving as debt payment. It is quite obvious our national debt has reached an almost un-payable amount with current levels of production.

While there are many other things to speak of when we talk about the decline of our economy, these are just a few interesting statistics I found. Also, I am no economic expert but these are the things I see wrong with how our system works from a general standpoint, feel free to leave your own opinions!